Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Groovy and Grails Overview Slides updated

Over the past year, I have been presenting a free 1 1/2 hour Groovy and Grails Overviews to any group or company who will listen. Each presentation includes a copy of my book Beginning Groovy and Grails for the organizer. This presentation has been so popular, I have forgotten how many times I have presented it.

In preparation for presenting it two more times this week, I updated my slides to reflect the new releases of Groovy 1.6 and Grails 1.1. I also had to update the resources since so many great new books are also available. You can find copies of the slides here.


iamsteveholmes said...

Hey Christopher!
Any chance you'd come to the Sacramento Java User's Group?

Unknown said...

Hi Christopher, If you're ever in or near Chicago, we would love to have you as a guest speaker at the Chicago Groovy User Group.

AWS EC2 Hibernate Java SDK v2 Example

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